10+ Best Face Detection And Recognition JavaScript Libraries

JavaScript which is often abbreviated and referred to as JS is an amazing programming language of HTML and Web that is line with the specification of the ECMA script. Java Script has been in existence for about twenty-five (25) years as it was created on the 4th of December 1995 by Brendan Eich and others. Brendan Eich was the initial and original inventor of the JavaScript but other key contributors worked on the JavaScript to enable the JavaScript to meet up with certain specifications of the ECMA Script. Face detection is using the Face detection jQuery algorithm.

A JavaScript library is a library of preexisting JavaScript codes and commands that enables programmers swiftly and easily develop JavaScript-based applications. Remember that JavaScript is a programming language at such a JavaScript library that contains different codes that were written in JavaScript that programmers can refer to when trying to create an application or for other reasons.

Free Face Detection And Recognition JavaScript Libraries

Face detection is a new feature that was introduced in the 21st century due to the improvement in science and technology and the need for more security and alertness in stores, offices, houses and so many others.

JavaScript and JavaScript libraries have helped make face detection and tracking quite easy for security personnel’s and other firms. A typical example of tracking is when we are trying to track a stolen item especially a phone or a laptop and this act is possible because of JavaScript and the JavaScript libraries. It is pertinent to note that we have a lot of amazing face detection JavaScript libraries because JavaScript is mostly used for face detection in the 21st century.

We have compiled a list of some amazing and mind-blowing face detection JavaScript libraries below.

Tracking .js

The tracking .js is quite versatile and easy to use because all of its examples, source code, and dependencies are all on a single file that can be downloaded with a size of about 7byte. Another unique feature is that this face detection JavaScript creates a single platform or browser environment where different computer visions and algorithms are brought together.

Tracking .js

[button-red url=”https://trackingjs.com/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Face Recognition API

Hacking Stephen from Linda Rabs is the brain behind this wonderful face detection JavaScript library. This library comes with a full package detection and gender classification and not just face detection. Most people actually prefer the face recognition API and some refer to it as the best JavaScript library.

Face Recognition API

[button-red url=”https://lambdal.com/face-recognition-api” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Face Detection

This face detection JavaScript library bears the general name face detection and it was created by Jay Salvat. Just like the tracking .js, it contains a set of examples and results of certain analysis. It can detect faces from videos and images by using the algorithm by Lui Lui.

Face Detection

[button-red url=”http://facedetection.jaysalvat.com/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Face Detection .js

It is not a basic face detection library as it does not only cover face detection but also properly analyzes different faces, height and width. The face detection.js is a JavaScript face detection software that is purely JavaScript based in Lui Lui CCV libraries.

Face Detection .js

[button-red url=”https://www.npmjs.com/package/face-detect” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Object Dectect

Some argue that this face detection library is the best because of its mind-blowing features, it doesn’t just carry out the basic face detection but it also has the ability to track and it is in combination with modern HTML 5. This face detection library is not compatible with all browsers, it is compatible with certain browsers such as the opera mobile and safari but it is not compatible with iso and explorer. Paul Viola and Rainer Lienheart are the brains behind this particular face detection JavaScript library.

Object Dectect

[button-red url=”https://github.com/mtschirs/js-objectdetect/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Open CV

The open CV face detection JavaScript library is unique and cool. It is effective and helps reduce stress for both employers and employees of labor at various firms, institutions and all others. Do not let the name confuse you, the Open CV is also a JavaScript face detector coding that was design more by node.js. It is easy to use as well as all that you need is a downloaded and installed CV before making use of the Open CV face detection JavaScript library. Another god thing is that the open cv is downloadable and it comes with the necessary examples that you need.

Open CV

[button-red url=”https://github.com/mtschirs/js-objectdetect/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]


Just like all the face detection JavaScript libraries, the clmtrackr is a face detection library that has an open source. One amazing feature of the clmtrackr is that it can be downloaded and downloading is free, you can head to github to download it for free. If you’re looking for a full package, precise and properly functioning face detection JavaScript library, then this is for you. This is because it can precisely identify faces, has the ability to track. He clmtrackr has the ability to swap faces and mask faces as well. You can agree with me that the clmtrackr has some mind blowing and wonderful features.


[button-red url=”https://www.auduno.com/clmtrackr/examples/clm_image.html” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Jeeliz Facefilter

Just like the Clmtrackr the Jeeliz Facefilter has some mind blowing but very cool features. The JeelizFacefilter is unique and it carries out activities of face detection, tracking, face rotation, mouth opening detection, multiple face detection amongst others. This face detection JavaScript library is said to be mobile friendly because of its compatibility with a lot of phones. It also supports 3D engines like BABYLON.JS, THREE.js etc.

Jeeliz Facefilter

[button-red url=”https://jeeliz.com/demos/faceFilter/demos/threejs/headControls%20/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]

Pico .Js

The Pico.Js consists of about 200 lines of clean JavaScript code. You can also download this on Github. On Github you will find three major folders that explain how this particular face detection JavaScript library operates. Each of these folders hold different explanations but these explanations are quite related because they all aim at enlightening users. These three folders are img, wasm and cam. Img contains an example on how humans face can be easily detected, some find face tracking difficult so the cam folder explains how this can be easily done. Lastly the Wasm folder gives details on how pico.js can be compiled to web assembly.

Pico .Js

[button-red url=”https://tkv.io/posts/picojs-intro/demo/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]


Just like the name, the headtrackr face detection JavaScript library has the specific function of head and face tracking. Although it works with various devices and web browsers, it works perfectly with webcam Due to the accurate output the headtrackr gives when deployed on modern browsers, most people prefer the headtrackr. The head size that the headtrackr captures is proportional to the size of the monitor screen or television screen used at that particular



[button-red url=”https://www.auduno.com/headtrackr/examples/facetracking.html” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Source[/button-red]


In today’s world, insecurity is a big threat and so far, face detection, CCTV cameras and some other advanced techno vocal equipment have been put in place to curb this high level of insecurity. We should note that whole face detection prevents insecurity, tracking helps to capture the criminal but both try to curb insecurity and they have both come to stay. Although some people can be confused about the various types or examples of JavaScript libraries that we have, we hope that this article would being clarification and understanding as well as enable firms, security personnels and others to choose a suitable JavaScript library. Please share with your loved ones and visit our social media handles and websites for more exciting articles.


  • Ciobanu Ion

    I am a Moldova-based Front End Developer with a strong background in Informatics and Information Technology from Centrul de Excelenta in Informatica si Tehnologii Informationale. My expertise lies in Front End Development, Database Administration, and AI Training. I am dedicated to creating seamless user experiences and innovative solutions in the digital realm.

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