How to Create PDF Using ReportLab in Python?

Creating PDFs using ReportLab in Python involves several steps. Here’s a basic example to get you started:

  1. Install ReportLab:If you haven’t already installed ReportLab, you can do so using pip:
pip install reportlabCode language: Python (python)
  1. Import the ReportLab modules:

In your Python script, import the necessary modules from ReportLab:

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
Code language: Python (python)
  1. Create a PDF document:

Initialize a PDF canvas and specify the output file:

c = canvas.Canvas("example.pdf", pagesize=letter)Code language: Python (python)

Here, “example.pdf” is the name of the output PDF file, and letter is a predefined page size (8.5×11 inches).

  1. Add content to the PDF:You can add various elements to the PDF, such as text, shapes, images, and more. Here’s an example of adding text to the PDF:
c.drawString(100, 750, "Hello, ReportLab!")
Code language: Python (python)

c.drawString(100, 750, "Hello, ReportLab!") This places the text “Hello, ReportLab!” at coordinates (100, 750) on the page.

  1. Save and close the PDF:After adding all the desired content, save and close the PDF:
Code language: Python (python)

This step finalizes the PDF file.

  1. Complete Example:Here’s a complete example that creates a PDF with some text:
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

def create_pdf():
    c = canvas.Canvas("example.pdf", pagesize=letter)
    c.drawString(100, 750, "Hello, ReportLab!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Code language: Python (python)
  1. Run the Script:Save the script and run it. This will generate a PDF file named “example.pdf” in the same directory as your script.

You can further enhance your PDFs by adding images, tables, charts, and other elements as needed. ReportLab offers extensive documentation with examples to help you explore more advanced features and formatting options.

Remember that this is just a basic example. ReportLab provides a wide range of functions and customization options, allowing you to create highly customized and complex PDF documents to suit your specific needs.

What is the default font in Python ReportLab?

In ReportLab, the default font used for text is typically a standard font called “Helvetica.” This font is widely available and supported in PDF rendering across different platforms and devices, making it a safe choice for generating PDF documents with consistent text appearance.

However, ReportLab provides flexibility in choosing fonts for your PDF documents. You can specify different fonts and font sizes for various text elements within your document to meet your design and formatting requirements.

To use a font other than the default Helvetica font, you can import and set fonts from the reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics and reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts modules. Here’s a basic example of how to use a custom font:

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont

# Register a custom font
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('CustomFont', 'path/to/your/custom_font.ttf'))

def create_pdf():
    c = canvas.Canvas("example.pdf", pagesize=letter)
    # Set the font for the canvas
    c.setFont('CustomFont', 12)
    # Add text using the custom font
    c.drawString(100, 750, "Hello, Custom Font!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Code language: Python (python)

In this example, you would replace 'path/to/your/custom_font.ttf' with the actual path to your custom TrueType font file. You can then use the setFont() method to specify the font you want to use, and the drawString() method to add text with that font.

By customizing fonts, you can achieve the desired look and feel for your PDF documents.

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  • Muhammad Nabil

    I am a skilled and experienced Python developer with a huge passion for programming and a keen eye for details. I earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering in 2019 from the Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology. I am passionate about helping programmers write better Python code, and I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to any team. I am also a creative thinker who can come up with new and innovative ways to improve the efficiency and readability of code. My specialization includes Python, Django, SQL, Apache NiFi, Apache Hadoop, AWS, and Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu). Besides my passion for Python, I am a solo traveler who loves Pink Floyd, online video games, and Italian pizza.

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