What is Token in Python With Example

In Python, a token is a fundamental unit of the language’s syntax. It represents a single element such as a keyword, identifier, operator, punctuation, or literal value within the code. Tokens are used by the Python interpreter to understand and parse the program.

Here’s an example to illustrate tokens in Python:

# Example code
def greet(name):
    print("Hello, " + name + "!")

# Token breakdown:
# The code can be broken down into the following tokens:

# Keywords:
# - def

# Identifiers:
# - greet
# - name

# Punctuation:
# - (
# - )
# - :

# Operators:
# - +

# Literals:
# - "Hello, "
# - "!"
# (Note: name is not considered a literal in this case, as it represents a parameter)

# Now, let's print the tokens in the code:
import tokenize
import io

code = '''def greet(name):
    print("Hello, " + name + "!")'''

tokens = tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(code.encode('utf-8')).readline)
for token in tokens:

# Output:
# TokenInfo(type=57 (NAME), string='def', start=(1, 0), end=(1, 3), line='def greet(name):\n')
# TokenInfo(type=1  (NL), string='\n', start=(1, 3), end=(1, 4), line='def greet(name):\n')
# TokenInfo(type=1  (NL), string='    ', start=(2, 0), end=(2, 4), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=57 (NAME), string='print', start=(2, 4), end=(2, 9), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='(', start=(2, 9), end=(2, 10), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=3  (STRING), string='"Hello, "', start=(2, 10), end=(2, 21), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='+', start=(2, 21), end=(2, 22), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=57 (NAME), string='name', start=(2, 23), end=(2, 27), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='+', start=(2, 27), end=(2, 28), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=3  (STRING), string='"!"', start=(2, 29), end=(2, 32), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string=')', start=(2, 32), end=(2, 33), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=4  (NEWLINE), string='\n', start=(2, 33), end=(2, 34), line='    print("Hello, " + name + "!")')
# TokenInfo(type=0  (ENDMARKER), string='', start=(3, 0), end=(3, 0), line='')
Code language: Python (python)

The code is tokenized using the tokenize module.

What token is used for assignment in Python?

In Python, the token used for assignment is the equal sign (=). When you use the equal sign in an expression, it is interpreted as the assignment operator. It assigns a value to a variable.

Here’s an example:

x = 10  # Assigning the value 10 to the variable xCode language: Python (python)

In this case, the token = is used to assign the value 10 to the variable x.

What is not a token in Python?

In Python, there are certain elements in the code that are not considered tokens. These include:

  • Whitespace: Spaces, tabs, and line breaks used for formatting and readability are not considered tokens. They are ignored by the Python interpreter.
  • Comments: Comments are used to add explanatory notes within the code and are ignored by the interpreter. They are not considered tokens.
  • Indentation: Python uses indentation to define blocks of code. Indentation is significant for the structure of the code, but it is not treated as a token.
  • End-of-line markers: These markers indicate the end of a line of code and are not considered tokens. They are used to separate statements and help with the readability of the code.

Here’s an example to demonstrate these elements that are not considered tokens:

x = 10  # This is a comment

if x > 5:
    print("x is greater than 5")  # Indentation is not a token
    # This is another comment
Code language: Python (python)

In this example, the whitespace, comments, and indentation are not treated as tokens by the Python interpreter. Only the relevant tokens such as the assignment operator (=), variable name (x), comparison operator (>), and the string literal are recognized as tokens.

What is token and what are the types of tokens?

In the context of programming languages, a token is the smallest individual unit or element of a program that has a specific meaning to the language’s syntax. Tokens are the building blocks of a program and are used by the language’s parser to understand the structure and meaning of the code.

The types of tokens in programming languages vary depending on the language itself, but here are some common types of tokens:

  • Keywords: Reserved words that have predefined meanings in the language. Examples in Python include if, else, for, while, and def.
  • Identifiers: Names used to identify variables, functions, classes, or other entities created by the programmer. Identifiers are typically user-defined and can consist of letters, digits, and underscores, with certain rules and restrictions depending on the language.
  • Operators: Symbols used to perform operations on operands. Examples include arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), assignment operator (=), comparison operators (==, !=, <, >), and logical operators (and, or, not).
  • Constants and Literals: Fixed values that are used within the program. They can be numeric constants (e.g., 42, 3.14), string literals (e.g., "hello", 'world'), Boolean literals (True, False), or special values (None).
  • Punctuation: Symbols used for various syntactic purposes, such as parentheses ( ), braces { }, brackets [ ], commas ,, colons :, semicolons ;, periods ., and more.
  • Comments: Text within the code that is intended for human readers and is ignored by the interpreter or compiler. Comments help document the code and provide additional information.
  • Whitespace: Spaces, tabs, and line breaks used for formatting and readability. Whitespace is generally ignored by the interpreter or compiler and serves to separate tokens.

These are some common types of tokens found in programming languages, but the specific set of tokens and their syntax may vary between languages.

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  • Dmytro Iliushko

    I am a middle python software engineer with a bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Kharkiv National Aerospace University. My expertise lies in Python, Django, Flask, Docker, REST API, Odoo development, relational databases, and web development. I am passionate about creating efficient and scalable software solutions that drive innovation in the industry.

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